Monday, December 22, 2008

Everybody Karaoke!

So I went back to the room to nap again on Tuesday. Andrea went shopping at the mall. And I am not too sure where Laird was.... And sometime later - OK maybe it was just an hour - I awoke to music and singing. My first thought was - wow that sure is different than the music the pool bar has been playing most of the week. Then I realised it was coming from the room next door. AND there was live singing... I had found Laird!
Laird was gearing up for karaoke. The most ironic small world aspect of karaoke... the guys that run the karaoke in Cancun are from Charlotte and they know a friend of mine. So we were all looking forward to going. And Laird was trying to determine which song to sing.
It was actually fun sitting around as he played DJ and critigued the music.
Unfortunately at the end of it all... we were all too tired to go on out.
I know I took a nap but I was still feeling nasty.
SO no karaoke this trip. Maybe next time.

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