Saturday, December 6, 2008

All Packed

I was a little delayed in the packing this time around. My friends asked if it was because I wasn't excited. It's not that. I am excited. I think it is because the trip is so spontaneous for me. I know for others maybe not but for me it is pretty spontaneous. No big build up or anything. Just a great opportunity to go away presented itself and I decided to take it. So maybe that's why the packing was slow.
I also was supposed to be away for work this past week and that kind of messed with the packing and not packing. That trip ended up being cancelled.
Over the years with traveling for work I have gotten most of it down to a science. I think that's why I didn't rush into this all. SO now it is all packed.
I just need to throw on my little travel outfit and hope I don't freeze my tail off between here and the airport. Let the dog out for a bit and get him some breakfast. The girls will be by later to play with him etc. Stop at the bank and I think that's it.

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